Small clear glass vessel with thin neck and piriform body that tapers to a small, rounded base. The mouth is sealed with a wad of fabric, and the powdery contents are visible through the glass, especially when the bottle is held against light. X-ray defraction tested to confirm the bottle contains galena, a lead based mineral commonly used in the 1st century as an ingredient in eyepaint.
Condition: This remarkable piece is intact, with only a small loss to the rim that is mostly obscured by the wad of fabric. There is a small section of discoloration on the shoulder of the vessel, otherwise it is in very good condition.
Dimensions: height 3.5 inches (8.9 centimeters)
Provenance: Dr Benson Harer private collection. Exhibited: Workhouse Art Center, Virginia, Glass National 2016, October, 2016- January 2017.